Friday, August 24, 2012

FYI - It's NOT Saturday! I'll Be Rambling...

Somewhere I lost a day. Hate it when that happens. I’ve spent the last couple of days in a semi-funk and guess I lost one. Woke up thinking it was Saturday. It isn’t.

Proud of myself though. Yesterday, at some point, I became overwhelmed with the need to eat cake. Lots and lots of cake. Possibly birthday cake. Or maybe something that would force others to have “Death by Chocolate” engraved on my tombstone. I ALMOST went to the store and caved in, but I didn’t. Took a few deep breaths, came to my senses and stuck with my fat-free graham crackers and low-fat peanut butter. Whew! Dodged a bullet there because I would’ve regretted the hell out of that. I’m TRYING to eat a little healthier, lay off the sodas, drink more water, etc. I’m not making any radical lifestyle changes but just from not drinking so much soda I feel a little better. Coke – of the cola kind – is my downfall. Hard to get away from the stuff. However, I’m going to keep on keeping on. Drinking one every now and again isn’t so bad. Drinking 3 or 4 a day IS bad.

I’ve decided to treat this writing thing as a job since I don’t have a real one right now. I’ll set my hours, work during those hours and hopefully this will clear my brain enough that I can sleep better at night.

A few years ago, I had a hernia as a result of weakened muscles in my abdomen after a gall bladder surgery. Either this old hernia has re-popped out or whatever the hell it is they do or I’ve got a new one. QUITE uncomfortable. No insurance. Learning to live with it. Totally blows.

Recently, I’ve had some trouble communicating with Bret. Actually it’s not a recent thing. He’s done this whole ignoring me thing since the beginning. I’ll say something and he’s totally ignores it, doesn’t acknowledge what I’ve said and starts to talk about something else. The other day he asked me how my day was. Before I could finish, he over-talked me and changed subjects. I’m trying to explain about the hernia/pain thing – again ignored. I sent him a message on Facebook about how it made me feel when he ignored me. He ignored the message except to say to call him because he doesn’t have time to respond to my message. Doesn’t have time? Can’t make time? Hmmmm. Isn’t that kind of the same thing as being told “you aren’t worth my time?” I sent the written message to try to get my point across because he doesn’t listen to me on the phone. Am I being selfish? I kind of don’t think so. Nobody likes to be ignored and made to feel like they aren’t worthy of being listened to. He does this. He does this often. I like him. I like him a lot but jeez…how does one communicate with someone like that? I’m clueless. It’s not as if I have these mind-blowing, profound things to say. I’m not schooled in politics like he is and I’m not all witty and clever but c’mon! If you’re going to ask how someone’s day went at least be willing to let a person finish a sentence! He tells me he has poor social skills and I understand that. He spends most of his time in a truck, driving, alone. My problem with that is poor social skills can’t always be used as an excuse to be rude and that’s how this whole thing comes off. Just plain rude. At least with Franky, I know what the hell to expect. Drunk = mean. Sober = love. The end. No guessing there! Of course, I guess there’s no guessing with Bret either. If I’m speaking that = ignored. The end.

Lisa’s Book Bag is coming along. I actually had someone send me a message about 3 days after I started the book page. He told me he’d like it but it seemed dead to him and oh well, sorry. He would if he could. I had to laugh out loud! It was new – only 3 days old! Give it time, man. Give it time. It truly doesn’t matter to me if he does or not. I’d rather have a handful of friends who actually enjoy reading to like it than a bunch of people who don’t love reading to be part of something that doesn’t interest them. The folks who’ve taken the time to visit the page are real friends. That’s what matters most to me.

Wishing you guys a wonderful, happy Friday!

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